
NameRopa MultiFruit Custom
Size33.55 MB
DescriptionMultiFruit Ropa Harvester for rootcrops. Single header to harvest all rootcrops. Prices: Tiger6s Standard: 40 000L $350000 SPEED 50 km/h Capacity: 60 000 L price=+16000 Capacity: 80 000 L price=+26000 Capacity: 100 000L price=+36000 Capacity: 120 000L price=+46000 Capacity: 150 000L price=+60000 Capacity: 200 000L price=+85000 Capacity: 250 000L price=+115000 Headers: Speed 22 km/h RR-XL 9x45 Multifruit 4m $39000 RR-XL 9x45 MultiFruit 12m $69000 Changelog: 2025-01-24 v1.0.2.0 - All fruits harvestable with AI helper - Fixed ground collisions - FPS problems fixed - NOTE: Still warnings in log when harvesting.(Ignore them). Hopefully fixed with next update. Changelog: 2025-01-19 v1.0.1.0 - Added multi colors - Fixed warnings in log - Fixed belt mesh effects - Added additional fruits - changed L/R morph mesh effects